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How to get your first (or next) ten clients: Part I

Writer's picture: SabiartistrySabiartistry

So you have the business established, and now all you need is clients. Easy, right?


Maybe you’ve just started the biz and are trying to fill your caseload…

Or maybe you’ve been running the biz for a while now and suddenly there has been a decrease in referrals or prospective clients reaching out…

Either way, you’ve probably figured out by now that it’s a little harder to get people through the door (even those who could really use the support).

It’s a process that requires patience, persistence, and more than anything *drum roll* effective marketing strategies.

I’ve discovered a few that have helped me and my clients tremendously and I’m going to share them with you through this series so that you can secure your first (or next) ten clients and create a thriving practice.

Here is the first step to helping you get your next client:

1. Define Your Niche:

Now, I know this is a hit or miss for a lot of people. You don’t want to limit who you can help and I get that. What I will say is this:

You’re probably already niching without even knowing it and all you have to do is become more conscious.

*le gasp*

What?! I am niching?! Tell me more!


If you think niching is about determining specific characteristics about the ideal person you’d like to work with, it is. What often feels limiting about that is you don’t ONLY want to work with or help (for example) millennial women who make $70K year and struggle with debilitating depression.

And that’s totally fine.

But you do have a preference, even if it’s not THAT specific or you haven’t discovered it yet, and that, my friends, is your niche.


You may know you like working with those who are motivated to change…

You may know you like working with those who are spiritual in some way or nerd out about the same things…like cats? or love is blind?

You may know you don't jive with people who have certain views or personalities. We calls these “not a great fit” (and the reason we have consultation calls).

See? You’ve already been niching.


The purpose of the niche is to give you information about the person you’d like to work with so that you can connect with them more deeply and more often.

The more clear you can be about this, the easier you can speak to that niche in a way that truly resonates using your marketing, which will ultimately lead to them engaging with you in some capacity if done well.

So, if you’d like to start getting those clients, you NEED to become conscious of what your niche is. Let me help you do so...

Think of someone you have really liked to work with... Or even someone you've just interacted with that left you feeling joyful and content.

Now, answer the following questions:

  • What were they like?

  • What made the interaction(s) so enjoyable?

  • What personality traits did I really jive with?

  • What kind of problems did they have?

  • What desires did they have (both tangible and feeling-based)?

  • What did a day in their life look like?

  • What other characteristics did they possess, that if I have another 10 clients like them, I'd be screaming, "YES!"

Then take this quiz to determine their unique buying personality and get tailored marketing tips so that you may better connect with them!

Wishing you a week filled with creativity, connection, and client-centered marketing!

P.s. Get support with your marketing strategy today by booking a call with Sabrina Suarez, our resident digital marketer, or by joining our mastermind where you get affordable business coaching. Learn more about the mastermind here.

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